In The News


I am certain you have all heard about the most recent shootings in the news. I'm just as certain that you have been hearing all the gun control people and the media crying to the heavens for more legislation that will affect all law abiding and responsible gun owners and purchasers.

My sincerest sympathy goes out to those people that have suffered the greatest of loss's in these recent acts of violence. However, it appears as though the media was (and still is) a bit slow in pointing out that none of the proposed gun control legislation would have prevented these acts from occurring! We might also note that the pro gun control politicians seem to be missing this important point also.

For whatever reason, I myself have just begun to have the lights flash warning in my minds eye. These people are preparing to punish responsible, law abiding citizens for the actions of criminals who are already demonstrating that they are outside of the law!

I had, up to this point, let others handle it. Trusting that even though I had done little and even considered some of the advocates of 2nd Amendment rights a little far out there, I now realize that if we don't do something now, we will gradually have our rights stripped from our hands.

Do not wait for someone else to "take care of it" for you! If you do not know who your legislators are, find out! Write them, and let them know how you feel about these laws. Join the NRA, and encourage others to do so. I always figured that joining was enough. While at the range, ask the other shooters if they belong, if they don't sign them up! How about your hunting buddies? Maybe even the people you meet at the local gun shop. And above all, write your Senators, Representatives, our President and the Presidential Candidates now and let them know how you feel. Introduce non shooters to whatever your particular sport is. Take someone to the range with you this week. Give them the opportunity to see responsible gun ownership in action. We don't need more policing, the police and the courts need to enforce the laws already on the books!

Bill Carling

How About This?

How would you like to have your ownership of reloading equipment turn you into a criminal? Well under a proposed ordinance in the city of Los Angeles, it looks like it may happen! Check out Dillon Precisions page and read this disturbing article. Let's hope this doesn't start to be a trend!

Bill Carling


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