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This Message by - Jasmine Sailing

* This Message by - Joel McLemore

* by the way, how was the CW show? or did it happen?

Sorry, kept meaning to get around to writing it up. I've just been busy dinking with other things.

We got home right after 2am from the show so it must've lasted long enough. There was some opening band or other that we didn't pay much attention to. Tom Headbanger gave a speech about indulging in clean and responsible fun at the show. We all said yeah right, we'll be responsible by your standards Tom. ie we know it's starting to get out of hand when people are drinking candle wax and boiling the tree roots. =) It was just a speech for the benefit of the cops anyway. Farg it.

There was mucho fire for the show of course. There was the bonfire for people to dance in and around. There were 4 fire jugglers and breathers. Then there was all of the accompaniment. The fresh fruit carts that got thrown on everyone, the wine and incensed water for soaking the crowd, this time they were even splashing pink paint. Bruce got coated in that.

They had a chariot of fire, completely torched while going through the crowd. One naked and muddy Crash Worship guy riding it amongst the flames while it was pulled by a naked and muddy Crash Worship woman in a harness. Another Crasher was riding a bicycle through the crowd, with several flaming torches attached to it. One dork didn't get out of his way so the bike went over, the torches whacked people, the weeds in the area got torched. There was much rejoicing. After those fires went out he came back through with a fire basket and whacked it everywhere until several more little fires were going. The event staff stood there looking hopeless. You just don't stop the fire at Crash Worship shows. =)

Since they like keeping the crowd on their toes, they were throwing endless quantities of the sparkling fireworks into the crowd. A bunch of sparks from one jumped up my right leg but I'm completely unmarked. It always seems to work like that at Crash Worship. People look down to realize they are dancing IN the bonfire. I got whacked in the face with the flaming whip at the junkyard show and I think I lost a little hair but my face didn't get burnt in the least. I reckon one of these days we'll all be expecting to be unmarred as usual and then something will go wrong and the entire audience will be in the hospital with 1st degree burns. And we'll all be whispering "Wow, what a rush..

We had the human sized burning effigy to wig out with at the end. And, as always, they did a lot of parading through the audience playing their drums and horns. And there were tons and tons of naked people dancing and bobbling around everywhere. It was the warehouse distract so I imagine all of the truck drivers cruising by were more than a little confused by the sight.

There was a bigger than usual fireworks display this time since it was the 4th of July. All in all, it was a damn good night.

#Jasmine Sailing # Become a Blasted Disciple # The #
#jsailing@netonecom.net/ # "Think Cnidaria" # Blasted #
#nyx.net/nether.net # Extend your Cnidocytes today. # One #
#Our Blasted Lady of the Jellyfish, First Church of Cnidaria#

This Message by - Chris Y
Subject - cp-list CW

Yes, it was quite a show. I wasn't aware of the opening band, but my attentions were being rather scattered. The fire was excellent, the fireworks were excellent, the drums were _most_ excellent. The only thing that wasn't excellent was my own state of mind. I ran into an ex-girlfriend who put my head in a really weird space. I never did manage to let go and throw myself fully into the experience. (Or the fire, for that matter.) I just kept wanting to go jump in the fire but I couldn't _quite_ reach the necessary mental/spiritual state to do so without getting hurt. The secret of CW shows and fire-jumping and so on seems alot like those people who walk in hot coals, if your mind isn't in the right state, you get fried. I've been in that state enough times to know when I'm in it and when I'm not, and I just couldn't quite get there. Oh well, it was still the highest state of mind I've achieved without strong drugs in a long, long time. My only regret is that it doesn't happen _alot_ more often. I'm so hit-or-miss about being in the right state of mind for things that I usually need several opportunities before I get things right.. All in all, my own state of mind aside, it was as good a show as I've ever seen them put on..

lobotomy@pagan.net * pgp key @ www.pagan.net/~lobotomy/ *
This is a test of the Emergency Broadcast System. This is only a test. Had this been an actual emergency, you'd be writhing on the ground in unspeakable agony, bleeding from every orifice, with your blackened skin falling away in ragged strips. -Geoff Miller

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