This Message by - Jasmine Sailing
* In a drugless frenzy, Gordon Klock mistakenly declared:
* EZEPHELOD WIRKING cramold the happy slobbering suitcase bouncing
* the plastic tit into a spoontree splattercircuit!(santaclops the
* albino sasquatch came out of hiding from behind the flying sheets
* of busted glass)
Just to realize that Minerva the Kitten had already squatted. Splatter-circuit popped revealing wastoids en masse, with twisted tongues lashing out for all things pertinent.
* I have been attempting to record some music with Jasmine and Jazz,
* but we have been plagued by the pernicious inexplicable equipment
* failure demons and have blown a pair of nice speakers in a way that
* we are at a loss to understand,so now it's time to pack up and go
* home defeated and disgusted and go to Little Fyodor at the lair
* later...
I forgot to update that music attempt. The first night got shot down by everything being missing. Couldn't find the cables, couldn't find the brain for my drum pads, couldn't find anything. Until it was too late and we were all tired, then we find it all. It took Jazz to find it since he's blind and can therefore see better than we can. So we got back together the next night. That time we got through the sound check and then, at the end of it, Jazz blew out his speakers with the drum pads. Oops. Next step: move everything over to Gordon's house where sound is already set up and we won't have such mishaps.
#Jasmine Sailing # Become a Blasted Disciple #The# # "Think Cnidaria" # Blasted# # Extend your Cnidocytes today. # One#
#Our Blasted Lady of the Jellyfish, First Church of Cnidaria#