Here's the beginning of the Darwin's Gate discussion. There's still a ton more to put up, so be patient. * New posts added 2/28/98.
Spirit Motel Shuttle Service from Paul Hogan *
Those Nutty Christians from Jasmine Sailing *
Brief Reiterations from Jasmine Sailing
Mormons and Presbyterians from Loren Rhoads
'Ees No Big Deal from Chris Yardley
Licensed Shamans Vs. Lampshades from Jasmine Sailing *
Nuts and Bolts from Gene Santagada
Challenging Hornets from Christopher Morris
I'm a Self-Destructor, and I'm OK from Jasmine Sailing
Shine On, Purgers from Paul Hogan
Purified Androgynous Saints from Jasmine Sailing *
Can The Strong Survive Humanity? from Christopher Morris *
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