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Judy Lester's poor little doggie wasn’t well. The beloved family pet, Jazzy, was losing weight and not looking good after a stay at a kennel. Lester set out to create a snack for her dear Jazzy that would perk her up a bit. After poring through her grandma's recipe books and spending weeks baking, Lester came up with something promising. She tested them on Jazzv. Luckily, the diminutive Jazzy loved the treats and began to regain her health. Lester was amazed. Soon she was making the treats for Jazzy on a regular basis, but Jazzy never seemed to grow tired of them or gain too much weight. It seemed like a miracle. 

Then Lester started to share the treats - Kookies, she called them ---with Jazzy’s friends. The treats became so popular; in fact, that Lester's husband, Bill, realized that something special was happening. With his entrepreneurial know‑how he began to investigate packaging, shelf life and marketing of Judy's Kookies,

Today Judy and Bill sell their Kookies at Animal Safari in Bonita Springs. The treats are 100 percent natural and are made with all kinds of things dogs love but that do not harm a dog's delicate digestive system. They're worth a try with your Fido, Spot, Butch or Princess.