* Astrological Package Specials *

The Basics
Includes a natal chart with second page aspect grid, a tri-wheel with natal, progressed and current transit positions and the current solar return chart ...................................................................................................$11.00
The Locational Basics
Includes a standard natal chart with second page aspect grid, a local space chart, a standard relocation and relocated local space chart along with hi-res local space and Astro*Carto*Graphy maps ...............................................................................................................................................$15.00

The Synastry Basics
This in-depth relationship package includes two natal charts, a bi-wheel comparison of the natal charts, a one-page synastry grid, a composite chart and a relationship chart (time/space midpoint) ................................................................................................................................................$18.00

The Natal Package
Includes a natal chart with second page aspect grid and The Sky Within interpretive report.......................................................................................................................................$15.00

Transit Package
Includes natal chart with second page aspect grid, a bi-wheel with natal chart and current transit positions and a 6 month interpretive transit report .......................................................................................................$22.00

TimeLine Package
Includes natal chart with second page aspec grid, a tri-wheel with natal chart, progressed and current transit positions and a 6 month interpretive of both transit, progressed and eclipse aspects to the natal chart ...................................................................................................................................................$33.00

Progression Package
Includes natal chart with second page aspect grid, a progressed natal chart with aspect page and the Life Progression interpretive report .....................................................................................................................$18.00

Friends & Lovers Package
Includes two natal charts with second page aspect grid, a synastry grid showing inter-chart aspects and the Friends & Lovers report ..........................................................................................................................................

Composite Package
Includes two natal charts with second page aspect grid, a composite chart with aspect page and the interpretive Composite Report .........................................................................................................................................$24.00

The Relationship Package
This package includes two natal charts, a bi-wheel comparison of the natal charts, a one-page synastry grid, a composite chart with aspect page. Included are the interpretive Compatibility, Friends & Lovers and Composite reports .......................................................................................................................................................$55.00

The Report Writer Special
This comprehensive package begins with The Sky Within giving a basic natal report; next, the Cayce Past Life report looks at where you've been; then the TimeLine report evaluates the current transit and progressed positions ........................................................................................................................................................$45.00

Click Here for the Order Form

Please note* - The text in the above listed reports have not been modified or re-written and contain the original texts as shipped by developer. Our feeling is that no computer generated report can synthesize and delineate a chart as can a qualified, trained professional astrologer. However, computer generated reports do offer useful information that can be a prelude to a professional consultation.