Al Marley
Hersey, Michigan

Click on Site Name Comment's

Search Engines / Find Information

  Google The gold standard.
  Microsoft Bing The competition.
  Yahoo Worth a try.

Special Interest

  Live from New York!
  Neil Young News about Neil Young.
  Naomi Klein "The Shock Doctrine", "This Changes Everything"
  Renegade Economist
  3CR Community Radio
  Move to Amend Corporations are not people!
  Progressive Talk
  U.S.A. - The Whitehouse
  U.S. Government
  Library of Congress

Time, Weather & News.

  Atomic Time Clock Best time around.
  National Weather Good Radar maps and Local detail reports.
  CNN Interactive News My first stop in the Morning. Go here for breaking news.
  Yahoo News My second stop in the Morning. There's nothing Yahoo about this news.
  Northern Michigan, 9 and 10 News Good local news for Hersey and Osceola county.
  Richmond Virginia, News and Weather For news you can trust, from people you like.
  Portland,Oregon, Welcome KG8 News

Washington weather report: "If you can't see the mountain, then it's raining. If you can see the mountain, it's going to rain."

Washington optimist talking to a friend: "Maybe if summer comes on a weekend this year, we can have a picnic."

Camping advice: "You don't have to outrun the Bear, just the slowest camper."

  Computer World Must reading for computer professionals
  National Public Radio Beyond the mainstream news.
  United Press International Cutting edge news.
  MSNBC News Cutting edge news.
  BBC News World Edition Cutting edge news.

Lets Get Technical

  Coursera MOOC Education
  Earth Cast UrTheCast
  Global Warming 101 Will Steger Foundation
  R Project R programming
  R Project US R programming
  R Studio R Studio
  R Bloggers R Bloggers
  Octave Octave programming
  Android Android programming
  Android Developer Android Developer
  Android Developer Reference Android Developer Reference
  Android Developer Training Android Developer Training
  Astronomy Magazine Astronomy - Get hooked on astronomy.
  Orion Telescopes Astronomy - Shop for a telescope or accessories.
  Arbor Day Foundation It's about Tree's


  Mapquest Maps / Driving directions  

Investment / Employment / Education

  E Trade Online Investments
  Goverment Savings Bonds Bond tracking / I-Bonds
  Yahoo Finance Online Investments
  CNN Financial Online Investments
  Smart Money Personal Finance
  Mich Talent Works Employment of Michigan.
  Employment of Michigan  
  ZDNet Technology  
  Barnes and Noble Book Store
  Powell's Bookstore Largest Bookstore in Downtown Portland.
  Senior Alternatives Senior Resources and information.

Odds & Ends

  Microsoft Microsoft Support & Service
  NetOne Communications Local Internet Service Provider
  U.S. Postal Service