Turns out the potting sink was "bumped" by some limbs. If it weren't for the big pot under it, it would be sitting on the ground. Picnic table under tree, bird feeder hanging from between two trees on white plastic chain and other feeders on right were not touched by the storm. The tree trunks (on right) are still standing. Photo from north of the tree. We didn't see this scar until we looked around it. Another photo of scar on north side of tree. Joe's ladder was leaning against the deck. It's still there but pushed toward the steps further. We have a wooden wall around the inside of the change of levels in the back yard. Until we get all the limbs off, we won't know if there's any damage to it. It appears the tree limbs missed it. This post has 6 plant hangers on it. Currently it holds 2 bird suet feeders made from cups/mugs. The bracket at the top on this side was damaged before this storm when a pine limb fell on it. This photo was taken from the same place as the first one on the previous page. Joe has removed most of the small limbs that were on the deck but left the ones supporting what is still attached to the tree. The plastic table now sits by the slider. It was next to the remaining limb in front of the stairs during the storm. There are snowman stickers on the sliders ... not damage. Photo of table and stairs taken from end of deck. Several of the plants sitting to the right were under the limbs until they were rescued. The ones on the back wall are where they were the whole time. The deck railing plant hangers (more obvious in previous picture) have not been moved either. |