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What secrets are revealed by the letters in your name?


The Aquarian
Survival Flute

AcroProg & AcroPet

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What secrets are revealed
by the letters in your name?


Original text by Shirle Kiley
Edited by Jacquie Smith
Software by SOS Consulting

This is the original acrophonology program much acclaimed by students of this new science. Analyze the personalities of your friends, relatives, and other important people in your life. Gain insights into their motives and quirks. Learn how to deal with them in the best manner.
Web Adapted Demo - Free! OR Click here to view an actual sample printout

PARENT $29.95
Another new offering from the science of acrophonology. Ideal for parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and even school teachers. Analyze the personality of your child from his or her name and learn the best way to deal with him/her.

ACRO-PET $19.95
For pet owners, this is an excellent way to gain insights into the personalities of your pets by analyzing their names. An absolute must for pet lovers of all ages. Discover the synergy between your surname and your pet's name.
Web Adapted Demo - Free!

ACRO-SELL $29.95
This exciting new program will tell you how to approach your prospective clients without having met them before. You only have to know their names to know about them. Turn your COLD calls into WARM calls. Insights into their personalities and the best sales techniques.

KARMA $39.95
This program analyzes your name and your mother's maiden name to discover the lessons to be uncovered in the journey through your life. Anticipate those important trends in your life by using acrophonology to help you deal with them.

TUTOR $19.95
This powerful new program can teach you about the science of metaphysics, including astrology, tarot cards, and acrophonology. Become proficient in these important skills. The program works by giving you a tutorial lesson, and then immediately poses questions about the material just presented to help you improve your knowledge of this important science. The program will check your answers and even give you a grade!

Find out what sexual secrets your name reveals! Analyze yourself and that special other person in your life. Just enter your name and his or her name to find out areas of harmony and conflict in the most important of all relationships. Avoid problems before they become too difficult to deal with. Click here to view
Bill Clinton. Hillary Rodham and Monica Lewinsky's Sexual Secrets!

Includes original AcroProg, AcroSell, Parent, Pet, Karma and Tutor programs. A Great Value!

The most comprehensive Acrophonology report writer. Produces a 12-14 page in-depth report based on all given names, maiden name, married name, confirmation name, nicknames, pen names and even has an option for "other name".

Includes all Acrophonology programs, including "beta" Sexual Secrets" and the BigName Report Writer. Perfect for those unknown birth time clients.

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System Requirements: Any DOS or Windows based system with a standard parallel port connected printer. Will not work with USB connected printers.

Shipping and Handling 5.00 (more for overseas delivery)

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