Trip to Cleveland, Ohio

Friday, May 1, 2015

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Joe made a special trip to McD's on Detroit to get coffee early in the morning.  He seems to be doing that most mornings before I get up.  Occasionally he even brings me back an iced tea.  This one is closest to Jodie's & we have walked there during other visits.

Later we had lunch at McD's on 117th St.  After that, we went to Pat Catan's Craft store.  Their website says they have 28 locations throughout OH, PA, MI & WV.  The closest one to us at home is in Monroe, & that's not very close.  It is actually the only one in MI.  The list didn't mention there's one near Indianapolis, too.  We often shop at the one nearest Jodie's when we're there.  They have a good variety of craft items & lower prices than some other similar stores.

We rode around for a while ... exploring ... before returning to Jodie's to change into our square dance attire.

We left at 5:26 p.m. & arrived at Bob Evans near Aurora for dinner at 6:29 ... that was 30 miles away.  Yep, "Rush Hour" traffic ... 1 hr to go 30 miles.  There were quite a few other dancers at the restaurant, too.  We talked with some of the staff.  They said the last time the State Convention was in Aurora, several of the restaurants ran out of food because they didn't realize there would be 800 people roaming the neighborhood looking for meals.  This year the Committee notified local restaurants to be prepared.  We talked with a couple restaurants in Grand Rapids last summer to let them know about 400 people would be attending the State Square Dance Convention at a nearby hotel.  Of course, some people ventured further away.

We hadn't pre-registered, so we took care of that before checking out the facilities.  We danced periodically for about 2 hours.  We just can't dance every tip any longer.

Square dancers love their ice cream, but $5 was a bit too much for us.  Instead we decided to stop at McD's for a cone on the way home.  The first McD's had a broken machine.  Next we found a BK.  Their machine was broken, too.  There's another McD's.  We'll just go thru the drive-thru.  What?  They don't have one.  Joe left me sitting in the van by the front entrance & ran inside.  He came out with 2 cones.  Finally!

It was almost 11:00 when we returned to Jodie's.  She had taken Alexa skating but they weren't home yet.  Turned out they had a beach party after.  Alexa was asleep & was put in her own bed.  She stayed there all night.

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© 2015   Suellen