Trip Schedule - April - May 2015

Cleveland, Ohio
Ohio Square Dance Convention

*** You may need to hit refresh to see the latest version
of the schedule as it will be changing regularly. ***

  Map of trip

A - Traverse City, MI
B - Cleveland, OH

travel =
6 h 20 m
395 mi

Date What we plan to do What actually happened
Fri Apr 24 - leave home - left home 11:37 a.m.; left TC 12:07 after talking w/ neighbor & dropping off absentee ballots
- arrived Jodie's 8:43 p.m. after multiple stops
Sat Apr 25 - roller derby bout - 6:00 p.m. - breakfast/lunch at Bob Evan's at noon
- dropped Alexa off at sitter's at 4:30
- went to exceptionally exciting roller derby bout
- picked up Alexa from sitter at 9:43
- Jodie's friends came home w/ them & stayed overnight
Sun Apr 26 - - Geauga County Maple Festival, Chardon
- dinner confusion
Mon Apr 27 - - Home Depot
- Lily is stuffed
Tues Apr 28 - - Harbor Freight for miter saw
- worked on porch railing
- Panera Bread carry-out for dinner
Wed Apr 29 - - Joe finished railing
- Salvation Army & Goodwill shopping
- checked out locations for Trail Thru dance on Thurs & Ohio Dance Convention on Fri, Sat & Sun
- caught up on reports & postings
Thurs Apr 30 - - dinner at Steelyard (shopping center)
- Trail Thru Dance, Bainbridge Township Hall
- How hard is it to find a milk shake?
Fri May 1 - Ohio state square dance convention -
    11-11 - Time includes city tours, etc.
- dancing 8-11 p.m.
- Pat Catan's crafts
- "city tour"
- "Rush Hour" traffic
- dancing at Bertram Inn
- How hard is it to find ice cream cone?
Sat May 2 - Ohio state square dance convention
- dancing noon-11 p.m.
- dancing
- Jodie, Paul & Alexa came to watch a while
Sun May 3 - Ohio state square dance convention
- dancing 10-2
- dancing
- Pettiti's
Mon May 4 - return home - drove home
- major road construction around Brighton, MI
- Countryside Gardens, Allendale, MI
- returned home at 10:50 p.m.
follow-up - - recovering from virus or whatever

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